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Communicate Seamlessly
Communicate Seamlessly With Email and SMS

The data is out: the more frequently (and simply) you communicate job details and shift times to your volunteers leading up to the event, the lower your no-show rate. VolunteerLocal gives you all the tools you need to send (and schedule) both emails and text messages to your volunteers - by job, shift, location or event-wide. These messages can be customized with each volunteer's unique name, job details and profile link.

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  1. Fully customizable (and automatic) confirmation email
  2. Broadcast messages to volunteers by job, shift, location or event wide
  3. Include attachments inside messages
  4. Schedule reminder emails and a thank-you message to be sent automatically
  5. Build and save templates for future use

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Previous feature: Reporting
Living in a small city, I sort of fell into the role of volunteer coordinator. Over the past year I have been using VolunteerLocal to help organize my volunteers for local events ranging from music, films and culture. This application has helped me succeed without a doubt. It has been incredibly flexible for each particular event allowing me to customize confirmation e-mails and information boxes to critique my database with all convenient information. And the volunteers love the simple sign-up as well. It truly cancels out the normally confusing sign-up process. And, in all honesty, I don't know what I would do without this great application. It's the perfect tool for the job, and not to mention how great the support team is. I would highly recommend VolunteerLocal for your volunteer coordinating needs.
- Shawn Nicol; Boats and Bluegrass, Midwest Music Festival, Frozen River Film Festival, Winona Dakota Unity Alliance

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