Music and Art Festivals

We know that volunteers are critical to the success of your festival, fair or parade. That's why we've integrated event-centric features into our platform to address the unique needs of customers like you across the world. Whether your volunteers are serving beer or painting faces, our system helps everyone claim the volunteer job and shift they want, while providing you the key tools you need to manage the masses and make your event a success.

With VolunteerLocal, you can relay critical information to volunteers in a timely manner using our broadcast communication tool. Send or schedule messages to your volunteers by job, shift or event-wide. Increase volunteer retention with free festival tickets to those who give four hours or more, and collect credit card deposits from volunteers in the amount of the ticket they'll earn at the completion of their shift.

For high priority jobs and shifts, use our tiered recruitment methodology to pick which jobs should be displayed on the live registration page first. Want to give early-bird access to last year's volunteers? No problem. Password protect one or multiple jobs for specialized groups to access privately.

Read about a few of our happy festival customers:

Specific features for music, art and other types of festivals
  1. Collect Credit Card Deposits
  2. Shift-Swapping
  3. Printable Volunteer Nametags
  4. Wrap the registration page to match your website
  5. Password protect to reserve opportunities for special groups
I LOVE your system by the way. It's relatively easy for our non-computer savvy volunteers and SUPER easy for me to manage. I inherited a more out-dated system to manage our volunteers when I started here and your system is SO MUCH BETTER. I love the design and ease of use!
- Noelle Harrison, Volunteer Coordinator, San Francisco Playhouse

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