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On-Site Checkin
Tracking Hours

VolunteerLocal provides multiple ways to track volunteer hours. By leveraging these tools, you will have access to detailed hours reporting.

QR codes can be used for checking volunteers in and out. VolunteerLocal offers both volunteer-scanned QR codes as well as administrator-scanned QR codes.

An administrative check-in/out tool is built into your VolunteerLocal account. You can access this tool on a tablet, smartphone or laptop computer.
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A kiosk for a self-service option. Volunteers search by name/email and check themselves in.
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A mobile app for volunteers, which is very useful when a central check-in location is not feasible.
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  1. Run check-in lists by location, job name or time
  2. Update volunteer profiles or duties in real-time
  3. Mobile app for volunteers to view shifts and check-in/out
  4. Track volunteer hours - by individual or group
  5. Export no-shows

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Living in a small city, I sort of fell into the role of volunteer coordinator. Over the past year I have been using VolunteerLocal to help organize my volunteers for local events ranging from music, films and culture. This application has helped me succeed without a doubt. It has been incredibly flexible for each particular event allowing me to customize confirmation e-mails and information boxes to critique my database with all convenient information. And the volunteers love the simple sign-up as well. It truly cancels out the normally confusing sign-up process. And, in all honesty, I don't know what I would do without this great application. It's the perfect tool for the job, and not to mention how great the support team is. I would highly recommend VolunteerLocal for your volunteer coordinating needs.
- Shawn Nicol; Boats and Bluegrass, Midwest Music Festival, Frozen River Film Festival, Winona Dakota Unity Alliance

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